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Below are some common queries we receive about training in Taekwon-do and self-defence.

More information about children's participation in Taekwon-do can be found on the For Parents page.

Or, if you don't see your question listed, please feel free to contact us for more information.

WhAT's with the Name? 


Taekwon-do (said as tay-kwan-dough) is a Korean martial art that takes its name from the Korean language, roughly meaning 'the art of hand and foot fighting'.  You might notice it being spelled or said as 'Tae kwon do', 'Tiekwondo', 'Taykwando' or even 'tiquando' -- these all refer to the same thing, the Korean martial art of self-defence.  


Why is Taekwon-do better than Karate, Muay Thai, MMA and other martial arts?


No one martial art is better than another - all martial arts are fantastic at helping you develop into the best person you can be.  Genuine martial arts training should offer not only physical development, but also mental strength and growth in good character.


At Doug’s Dojang, we practice Taekwon-do and its teachings of courtesy, integrity, self-control, perseverance and indomitable spirit.  We believe that Taekwon-do is not about just punching and kicking ... it's about being the best person you can be.

Taekwon-do has something to offer for people of all ages, backgrounds and interests - we hope you'll love it like we do. 




Do you have martial arts classes for kids?


At Doug’s Dojang, all club members train together and learn from each other – this includes adults and children. Classes are tailored for whoever is on the floor – from beginners of almost any age (e.g. 4+ years) to more experienced practitioners.   Our Prep Program also offers special classes for our smallest martial artists, so they can build skills and confidence before joining our regular training sessions. â€‹We aim to ensure that every person takes away something from every session in Taekwon-do, no matter their age or ability.




How old does my child need to be to start doing Taekwon-do?


​Taekwon-do has an important role to play in supporting the learning and development occurring in the home and at school.  As such, we recommend children be of kindy/prep or school age (4+ years), however younger ages can work if the child is coming with older siblings and/or their parents are training at the same time.




I'm not very fit or good at sports. Can I still do Taekwon-do?


​​Yes – you're just who we’re looking for! Taekwon-do can be enjoyed by people of all ages and all abilities, and training can be adapted to suit your level and any health or fitness restrictions.  â€‹Whether your goal is success in high-level competitions or you’re wanting to learn Taekwon-do just for your own enjoyment, you’ll be welcomed at Doug’s Dojang.




Can I get a rebate from my health fund?


​Doug's Dojang is a BUPA registered provider. Depending on your level of cover, you may receive a benefit towards some of the costs of items such as membership or personal training sessions.  You should check with the member services team at your health cover provider, for more details.

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All Rights Reserved.


Unless otherwise stated, Doug's Dojang holds copyright for website content, marketing materials and business resources.

No reproduction is permitted.


Privacy Statement 

Hours of operation 



Prep Class*: 5.30-630pm

Regular Class: 6:00-7:30pm


Thursdays â€‹

Prep Class*: 5:30-6:30pm

Regular Class: 6:00-7:30pm



Prep Class:* 12:30-1:30pm

Regular Class: 1:00-2:30pm

Black Belt Class: 2:30-4:00pm  


*Prep classes suit beginners

from 4-12 years


One-on-one sessions, group training and corporate, business and community group bookings by appointment. 

Logo of a yellow lotus flower with a silhouette of a person doing a side kick

contact us

Call: 0439 383 715 



Enjoy our two training locations


Bauhinia House

Cnr High & Berserker Streets

 (Tuesday & Thursday evenings)




St David's Hall, 134 Simpson Street

(Saturday afternoons)


Our club trains on Darumbal Country.

We acknowledge and pay respect

to the Traditional Owners.

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