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Good Sports Logo


Doug's Dojang is proud to be an accredited Gold Medal Good Sports club.  Practising healthy habits, being positive and supporting the people around you are all important parts of being a good martial artist. 


If you need support, we encourage you to access the resources and information listed on this page, so that you can get back to being your best you.


If you have any questions about our Good Sports policy, please contact us


Creating a smoke-free environment 

Need help to quit smoking or vaping? Try this site for more information and resources. 

Alcohol and drugs

A guide for accessing services and support to avoid harm from Alcohol and Drugs is available here

Being positive - on or off the floor

We focus on encouragement, teamwork, respect and sportsmanship.  You can read more about good sportmanship and spectator behaviour here

Looking after your mental health is important 

This page can help you find community-based mental health services.  

Logo and statement signifying Gold Medal Accredited Club with Good Sports
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